– Example Shown Hyundai Excavator HX220L

TL4 Air Purifier

INPRESS TS Monitor & Controller

HEPA Return Air Filter


Solution Overview

TL4 Air Purifier

INPRESS TS Monitor/Controller

HEPA Return Air Filter

BeSafe Commissioning

Solution Overview
– Example Shown Comansa Flat-Top Crane 21LC750

TL4 Air Purifier

Activated Carbon x 12

TL4i Powered Return Air Filter

HVAC Connected

Solution Overview

TL4 Air Purifier

Activated Carbon Filter x 12

TL4i Powered Return Air Filter

HVAC Connected

Solution Overview
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Customised Activated Carbon Filter
– Remove Gas, Vapour & Particulate
Activated carbon filters remove particulates, harmful gases, and odours from the air stream. To remove these gases and odours, we use an extra filtration stage containing Activated Carbon.
Activated carbon is charcoal impregnated with various chemicals. When gas goes through it, gas particles react with the carbon-impregnated chemicals and form a stable harmless salt. Another HEPA filter is placed at the air’s exit from the activated carbon filter to prevent salts or carbon molecules from entering the clean air area.

TL4i Powered HRAF
– 12 Volts option TL2i available
– HEPA H14, ULPA U15 & U16 filters available
The BreatheSafe TLi powered HEPA return air filter is designed to purify contaminants the operator brings into the cabin. Most companies and worksites miss that the real hazard is the dust or contaminants coming off the operator’s boots.
We connect our TLi with the OEM air conditioning system and enable dual HEPA protection for the operators’ health.

VacSafe Vacuum
– 12/24 Volts option available
– Custom cabin mounting kit
The VacSafe vacuum prevents changing of filters as the internal filter gets dust loads up due to entry and exit to the cabin. By using VacSafe vacuum, the operator can clean their boots, clothes, the floor and the seat before the operation even begins, to assure operator safety and save money on filter replacements.